At Charlton Kings Care Home, we provide three specialised Types of Care to meet the unique needs of our residents. Whether requiring long-term Residential Care, short-term Respite Care, or compassionate Dementia Support, our dedicated team ensures a safe, welcoming environment tailored to individual well-being.
Types of Care
Residential Care
Our principal aim at Charlton Kings is to create a secure, warm and relaxed atmosphere, where each resident is assisted and encouraged to develop and maintain a lifestyle that affords them the maximum level of independence. We recognise that everyone has different needs, so we adapt our care to suit each individual and strive to treat everyone according to their own needs and desires.
Residents are actively encouraged to maintain social contacts, and visitors are welcome in the home at any reasonable time of day. Visitors to Charlton Kings are always welcomed with tea, coffee and biscuits throughout their visit.
Equality, humanity and embracing diversity are the basic principles underpinning what we provide at Charlton Kings. Our residents’ individuality and choices are paramount and we are committed to the notions of respect, privacy and dignity for all.
Looking after a loved one in need of regular care is a rewarding but often challenging responsibility. Charlton Kings can offer that well deserved break for carers.
We have specialist carers who are able to create person-centered care plans and undertake assessments of an individual’s needs. This is done in advance of any admission and assists the staff in making necessary adjustments prior to a resident’s arrival to ensure a comfortable stay. When creating a care plan we encourage the family or close friends to take part to ensure a holistic approach.
Respite stays can be from one week to several weeks depending on the individual circumstances. We have regulars who visit us several times a year!
Dementia Care
Although Charlton Kings is not a specialist dementia care home, we do care for people with Alzheimer’s and other complex illnesses. Our staff receive the very best of training that is appropriate to ensure support needs are met effectively, working closely with other specialist services. For example, the staff have been nominated for care awards for caring for those with complex illnesses such as Motor Neurone Disease (MND).
Charlton Kings Care Home is a supporter and follower of The Contented Dementia Trust, who help care for residents with dementia without the use of medication. The Home is also holds an accreditation with the Gold Standards Framework in End of Life Care.